You have reached my personal website! The information you will find here is mostly about my (academic) work as a (tenured) associate professor at the University of Antwerp.


My interests include

  • Logic and Automata Theory,
  • Formal Verification, and
  • Learning Theory (I am a member of the Ellis society).

See my DBLP entry for a list of publications.

What is verification?

Hardware and software systems are hard to design and implement correctly. I study formal logics that can be used to precisely specify what such systems are intended to do, and formal models like automata and games to abstract their behaviour. With my co-authors, we use these mathematical tools to develop algorithms that enable the verification of systems against their specifications.

You can also watch a short video where I describe how I ended up studying verification or this nice video about reachability and verification featuring some of my favorite colleagues.


I am the head of the Formal Techniques in Software Engineering (FOTS) lab, a part of the AnSyMo research group.

Current members

  • Shrisha Rao (2021-)
  • Ramesh Krishnamurthy (2021-)
  • Kasper Engelen (2021-)
  • Allen Joseph (planned 2024-, based in ULB @ Brussels)
  • Marnix Suilen (planned 2024-)

Join us!

If you are interested in joining the team as a post-doctoral researcher, do contact me. I am particularly keen on supporting FWO postdoc fellowship or MSCA postdoc fellowship proposals.

PhD alumni


I am part of the organizational team for the Reactive Synthesis Competition SYNTCOMP for which I have developed the tools AbsSynthe and Acacia-Bonsai.